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25th Nov 2022
Afia Azmi

Study Abroad Guide for Parents & Guardians

Are your babies leaving the nest? To some magical fairyland, far, far away? There's no doubt your heart, as parents and caregivers, palpitates thunderously. When the children dream of studying abroad, parents experience a literal bittersweet moment – where the kids prosper so extraordinarily, yet not in your reach. There is no detailed guide for parents whose children are planning to study abroad. So, it is essential to understand that this stage is emotionally upheaving for your kids as much as it is for you.

If you have a dreamer(s) under your care, this study abroad guide for parents is for you.

Know the plan

Talk to your kid(s). Discuss their dreams and goals little by little, over a long period, till they finalize on one field to study abroad. Nurture this habit of life discussions as soon as their cognition develops. From crayons to carbs, know what affects them, what changes their moods. Observe them a little when they are engrossed in something.

Read all you need to know about studying abroad

Become a researcher

This age is internet revved-up. Use that to your utmost benefit. Learn about the various challenges that you and your child may face ahead. Research the niches where your children have shown specific interest. Plan accordingly.

Short-term Future Plans

Yes, you read it right. No one can guarantee what dynamics will affect the chosen field for your children. Make small, short-term plans (preferably, 2-3 years long) considering the near future. Not the exhaustively imagined and fictional one.

Analyze Finances

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While applying for scholarships is excellent and even highly recommended, don't make it your primary and only plan. Think of living costs, accommodations, travel, and healthcare. Plan your health emergencies and monthly allowances.

Planning the finances to study abroad much more in advance is very important

Rely on Relatives

Yes, you can talk to them about your children's academic plans here. They can help you secure holistic plans and help you and your family emotionally tide over this significant change. It is allowed.

Counsellors & Fairs

Don't ever hesitate to reach out to professional, expert academic counselors to discuss the benefits and suggestions of your ward's plans for studying abroad. Attend their virtual or physical university fairs whenever possible.

Visits & Phone Calls

Planned and executed reasonably well, you can smother your kid(s) over the call and physically as much as you want. Make space for them to call you. Remember not to overwhelm them with too many emotions and make them feel homesick and anxious. As they say, keep it short and sweet.

Carry your trust overseas

This is a long distance relationship too. There are bound to be insecurities and emotional issues. Always give them the benefit of the doubt because they are treading over strange waters.

Safety Plans

From traveling so far to live in a strange land, your children's safety must come first. Make plans for it as seriously and studiously as you do for the finances. Create contingency responses and acclimatize them with the same.

These are only some tips for students studying abroad and not a parenting guidebook. You understand your child better than anyone else. At the same time, don't worry when there are communication barriers. Give them some time, and you too. And never hesitate to seek professional advice when it feels wiser to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1) How do I prepare my child to study abroad?

Firstly, differentiate between your preparation and your child's preparation. Both of you need to prepare for all the challenges you may feel – physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and psychologically. Beyond that, make sure your child is committed to this idea of studying abroad without you enforcing it. Discuss all the plans and related topics at length. Be mentally ready for any conflicts that may arise to hinder your and the child's performance.

Q.2) Should I let my child study abroad?

Of course. If that is what they wish too, then definitely let them follow their dreams. Learn about the various challenges that you and your child may face ahead. Research the niches where your children have shown specific interest. Plan accordingly.

Q.3) Is it safe for my child to study abroad?

Yes, of course. Safety is the highest concern for any parent and guardian. Do your best research. Consult with professional academic counselors, if required. Plan your finances around safety too. Count in backup plans and emergencies. Nevertheless, international students worldwide are given the highest priority in case of their safety. You can always do a double check on that.

Q.4) Are there any benefits of studying abroad?

Lots. There are lots of benefits to studying abroad. From an irreplaceable worldly experience to the best of the best job opportunities, your child will be engaging with all the latest developments and trends in whichever field they go. They will develop a cultural worldview and a holistic personality to stand out in the professional and personal field.

Q.5) How do I convince my child to study abroad?

First of all, realize if your child wants to do the same. Discuss their dreams and goals at length. Sometimes, it may also happen that they want to pursue something abroad, but they cannot frame that idea in their minds. If you have a hint of that, then raise the topic of studying abroad and give them a proper understanding of how everything will work out there. Talk about the benefits of studying abroad. Studying abroad is a life-changing event. Be prepared to face your child's rejection because sometimes it may not be their dream. Do not enforce your unfulfilled desires and dreams on their path.

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