
Azent's Campus Ambassador Program

Last date to apply: 15th September 2024

Member Benefits
Fixed + variable Payment

Earn upto 10,000 per month

Certificate on completion

Get a certification from Azent

Goodie Bags

Tshirts, Badges, Notebooks - We got you covered!

Internship opportunities

After completion, get a chance to secure an internship with Azent

Testimonials for the top ambassadors

Get recommendation on LinkedIn from business managers

Social Media Feature

Get a chance to be featured on Azent's social media

Eligibility Criteria
Final year student

Semester 5 and above

One year commitment

Will NOT Graduate before August 2025

Active on social media platforms (Public profile)

At-least 3 from Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or Snapchat

Share creatives on your social media channels

Creatives will be provided by the Azent team

Active Member of College Events

Participated or organised events in your college

Committed to organising events in the college

2 offline events every six months and 1-2 online events per month for next 12 months

Application Process
Apply Online

By 15th September

Shortlist of applications

By 20th September

1-on-1 conversation with the Azent team

21st to 25th September

Onboarding Process

26th to 30th September

  1. Final year student
  2. Will NOT graduate before August 2025
  3. Active on social media platforms (Public accounts) with decent reach and followers
  4. Have to share event creatives (Shared by us) on your social media channels which you will be conducting
  5. An active member of college events
  6. Committed to conduct 2 offline events every six months and 1-2 online events per month for 12 months

(IMP: Not more than 2 events in a month)

  1. Content & Creatives
  2. Priority assistance with a POC
  3. Exclusive goodies designed with you in mind!
  4. Exposure to Azent’s social media
  5. LinkedIn recommendation to top performers

Upto 2 per college

Minimum 01 year

Yes, but the application will be managed from case to case basis

In the Bank account. If shortlisted, our finance team will connect with you for your bank details

End of every month provided the deliverables are completed

Once the process starts, a custom report will be shared with you on an email.
